Leading & Growing The NCA
This group of goals and objectives covers activities that relate to governance. The Trustees are responsible for making sure that the NCA operates in accordance with its Constitution and the law, developing and maintaining appropriate Values, Vision and Mission statements, and developing goals and objectives for the rolling 5 Year Plan.
Increase the number and diversity of residents who actively contribute to leading and organising NCA activities.
Develop a succession plan for NCA Trustees and Officers, and key team leaders and members.
Develop a training programme for Trustees and Officers, and team leaders and members, to include governance, planning and problem-solving skills.
Support the establishment of the new Primary School, including the election of appropriate community & parent governors.
Minimise the need for further grant funding from the local Council beyond that already pledged.
By Q4 2017, develop and implement a 5 year planning framework.
By the 2018 AGM, agree and publish the first version of a plan that contains (as a minimum) Goals and Objectives for 2018, and Goals for 2019, that are agreed by the Trustees and Officers.
By Q4 2018, institute an annual resident’s “How are we doing?” survey.