Monitoring and responding to developers' and Council plans
Continue to monitor and respond to developers' / Council plans, including monitoring the building of the Ikea store (now scheduled to open in Spring 2018), seeking to establish good community relations with the local Ikea management.
News of new planning applications from developers and Council is emailed to residents who are encouraged to respond if they wish. This year, that has included the revised plans by Persimmon for Blakeslee Drive land opposite the Community Centre, and the Rugby Stadium's proposal for Sandy Park Hotel in Old Rydon Lane.
Ikea plans were approved last year. The NCA wants to build and maintain good relationships with the local IKEA management and with McLaughlin & Harvey Construction Ltd, who are building the store. The building company have been extremely community-minded and produce a monthly update with information on the build which the NCA emails out to residents.
The Ikea traffic flow working group have achieved a great deal by reviewing the approved planning documentation and speaking with ECC Planning and DCC Highways officials. Their findings have been reported to the trustees.
The working group and trustees are concerned that there will be problems with traffic congestion and that the traffic models and forecasts are optimistic. But we need empirical, post-store opening data before DCC Highways will consider taking any action. There will be an update at the November NCA residents’ meeting.